Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Simple Solution

“If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than seventy five percent of the people in the world.”

“If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish, you are among the top eight percent of the world's wealthy.”

Most of us live in ignorance of how well off we are. It is shocking to see that what we view as the most basic necessities, most of the world is without.

That leaves us with a problem. How do we reverse the disjoint between the wealthy and poor, the starving and the full, the homeless and the owners of multiple homes?

The solution is simple. We must level the playing field. We can do this by the wealthy giving to the poor until everyone has the same amount. Everyone can have the same amount of food, the same amount of clothes, and the same living arrangements. This will eliminate the pain of some living with less than others.

Some may say this will be boring and lead to cookie cutter lifestyles. However, would you rather have a world where people die from malnutrition while others throw away scraps at every meal? The answer is obvious. This proposition will eliminate all hurt and struggle from the world. Further, it will eliminate poverty in total.

Disclaimer: This is a satire solution for a problem for my Freshman Writing Seminar class.

You can read the whole article that the statistics came from here: