Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Surprising Reality - Blog on Source 1

We all dream and hope for things like good fortune, success, and happiness. But do you believe that dream come true could turn into a living nightmare? The façade of something that seems so positive having an absolutely destructive impact on your life. For the people in this source for my research paper, this scenario is a reality.

This source outlines “10 People Who Won the Lottery – Then Lost it All.” The first case is of Callie Rogers who at 16 years old won 3 million in a UK lottery. She is now a single mother, working as a maid to pay off debt. (B.P.)
Another alarming case is of William “Bud” Post whose brother hired a hit man to kill him when Post won 16.2 million. This was not his only lottery induced complication. He also invested in companies that failed, got sued by his ex-girlfriend, and was thrown in jail when he shot at bill collectors. (B.P.)
Even a just cause can lead to the detriment of lottery winners. This can be evidenced by Janite Lee. She found herself filing bankruptcy after donating almost all of her 18 million dollar winnings to different philanthropic organizations! Good for her! (B.P.)
It’s hard for me to imagine how something that seems so positive could have such a deeper negative impact in the long run. This article has opened by eyes to the negative impact the lottery can have. When the average person things of negative effects of the lottery, they usually think of the poor ticket buyers who waste there hard earned savings. But, as it turns out, many people find winning the lottery hard to deal with, and it leads to some level of difficulties for most of them.

Business Pundit. “10 People Who Won The Lottery – Then Lost It All.” Business Pundit. 9 Sept. 2009. Web. 25 March 2011.