Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sticks, Stones, and Broken Hearts

It is a classic childhood scenario.
“Mom, Justin called me a name!” I’d whine.
“Craig, don’t let your brother get to you, ‘sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you.’”

But is that really the case?

This phrase has always been a commonplace that has been generally accepted, but one that I feel that many of us have never wholeheartedly believed. It is especially hard to embrace when you are the victim. We all like to tell each other this when we are experiencing difficulties, but oftentimes do not like to hear it ourselves.

Of course, it is a noble idea to attempt to remain unaffected by ridiculing, torment, and verbal bullying, but it is much easier said than done.

Words are very powerful. They comprise almost all of our communication, whether through written word, dialogue, or other methods of interaction. We express our emotion and thoughts most clearly through words.

Therefore, when someone insults someone else, the insulter expresses his or her negative feelings towards the victim. When boiled down, I feel that this can be even more impactful than a physical attack. After all, most wounds will heal, but damage to someone’s emotions can manifest itself in many disorders and take much longer to heal, if it even does.

1 comment:

  1. So true... I was hooked with your intro. Nice phrasing as well.
